23 Mar Forensic Testing Required: Next Steps
What kind of tests do I need?
Do I need all of them performed at once?
Do I need multiple contractors to perform them?
These are a few of the common questions we receive for all the different types of forensic testing required for the structures we consult on.
Fortunately for our customers, we are well equipped to handle all of their testing needs for their structures. Our staff is trained, certified and accredited in many testing disciplines. Whether its infrared (IR) thermography, Electronic Leak Detection or ASTM & AAMA testing, the experts at RoofTech have you covered.
In what kinds of situations should I be considering a test?
One very common one is when you’re planning a re-roof project. Before the project commences of re-covering an existing roof, it is critical to perform an IR moisture scan on it. In fact, most major roof manufacturers will recommend if not require this IR test to be completed before performing the re-cover.
So, you know you must or at least should perform this type of test, but how much should you really care about doing it completely and correctly?
In a word… tremendously
If you’re going to do something, you should do it right. It sounds cliché, but if done incorrectly, you could cost yourself greatly down the road.
Our certified thermographers will complete the IR scan and double-check all findings with non-invasive moisture detection equipment. Our team will pinpoint areas of wet insulation within low-slope roof systems. We can then provide guidance on addressing the issue before the new roof is installed.
Give us a call to see how we can ensure your next roofing project is done right the first time. You’ll be glad you did.
Check back next month for more about our work on building enclosures and our AAMA / ASTM testing capabilities.